Competition procedure service
Access and registration procedures for University students and for EXTERNAL users of the University

Sign in via External login (recommended)
If you have a GMail account (you can create it for free by accessing the page Create your Google Account) or a istitutional account, you can access the system with the mode called External login.
This is the recommended method of access, as registration and access are faster and it is not necessary to create additional passwords to remember.
To access the system, click on the Log in with GMail button.
If it is your first access, after logging into GMail, you will be redirected to the Registration in X-UP page. After filling in the form and saving, you will be automatically redirected to the applications area of the X-UP system.
After logging in, under the Documentation menu, you will find all the necessary material that will help you fill in and send your application.

Sign in via Local account
If you don't have a GMail account or don't want to create one, you can access the system by creating a Local account.
This method is longer than access via External login, as it requires filling in the registration form and confirming the email account.
If you have a local account, click on the Access the service button.
If it is the first access, click on the Register for the service button. After the Registration in X-UP, you will have to confirm your email and then you can access the system with Local account by clicking on the Login to the service button.
After logging in, under the Documentation menu, you will find all the necessary material that will help you fill in and send your application.